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Item Properties

You can find the Item Properties Tool on the right side of your screen. Here you can add your own custom name and notes you want to add to the specifc object.

Custom name

You can give each Electrical Object a custom name. This is useful if you are specifying a specific brand for different objects of the same type. On the Electrical Plan, the Custom Name will appear next to the icon of the object.

Custom Name


Electrical Layouts can become complicated! If you want to call out a specific feature e.g. that a switch should be double wired with another switch in the loft to turn off the lights, simply add a note in the Notes section. This note will show up on the Electrical Plan.


Electrical Plan

Electrical Plan

The Electrical Plan exports a full electrical diagram of all electrical objects in your tiny house on the Ground Floor and Mezzanine plan. All objects placed in the Ground Floor region are shown on the Ground Floor and vice versa.

The Electrical Object spreadsheet at the bottom of the plan shows all items in the tiny house and does not separate Ground Floor and Mezzanine items.

Each object’s height from the ground is indicated by H: (height) on the plan to easily communicate the object’s placement with your electrician.

The Notes and Custom Name show up next to the respective item on the plan.


Try to keep your Custom Names and Notes short to avoid cluttering up the plan with LOTS of text!



Sometimes, when you have designed a few tiny houses in one session with many electrical items over different tiny homes, the electrical schedule shows inaccurate amounts. If you see incorrect or negative amounts on your export, simply save your design, reload your browser and re-export your plans. :)